sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2012

The construction of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte


      There is great controversy surrounding the construction of Belo Monte, which is divided into positive and negative points. The project is generating a strong repercussion in Brazil. It is believed that there are various strengths, since they are well relevant.  

     The set up the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte will generate jobs in construction employment, which will provide a longer life expectancy for the future population. Moreover, the region will suffer a social development and therefore there will be assistance in education, security, infrastructure, public services in health, sanitation to be qualified. Therefore, social development and employment generation will make the economy grow.

      The third largest dam in the world have the power of 11,233 MW and will supply the entire metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. Being a sustainable energy, the plant will ensure the necessary resources and for future generations. In other words, sustainability caused by that clean energy is directly related to economic development and material so as not to harm the environment, using natural resources wisely so that they remain in the future.

    With the construction of the dam, Brazil will no longer matter as much energy as at present, due to increased power output. The country will save, so you can invest in other areas.   

    Thus, the installation of the plant will bring many benefits to the country. Taking into account all the positives. For this reason the building will be beneficial. 

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